Tuesday, November 2, 2010

C4K #3-7 summary

C4K #3
Levi’s Mighty Mariner Animation
Levi made a video using pictures and his voice. I was very clever!
I commented the following on his video:
“What a neat video you did! You are very clever and made a really cool video! Keep up the good work and keep that imagination in gear. My name is Caryn and I am a student at the University of South Alabama. –Caryn”

C4K #4
Geordie’s blog was the difference between popularity and friendship. He did’t really seem to enjoy writing blogs but he did a good job on this one. He compared differences to a movie which was really cool.
I commented the following on Geordie’s post:
I am Caryn and I am in Dr. Strange’s EDM310 class at the University of South Alabama. I feel the same way that you do about Cars. Very silly storyline, but you pointed out something really neat when you compared their friendships. I agree that there is a great difference in popularity and friendship. Cool blog!!!”

C4K #5
I commented on a blog written by Joshua. It was a very short blog that says “School isn’t the best thing in the world for me i hate school is lame they teach thing I already know.” I left a comment and it has not appeared on the page yet. I explained in my comment that the will come across something he doesn’t know and will eventually learn something and I hope he begins to enjoy school better.

C4K #6
I was assigned to read a blog written by Morgan S. she posted about using a cell phone responsibly. She talked about how you shouldn’t waste minutes, don’t bully on it, keep it in a safe place, finish homework before using it, and not responding to unfamiliar numbers. To be in the 6th grade she is aware of what needs to be done before using her phone.
I commented the following one her post”
My name is Caryn and I go to the University of South Alabama. I am in Dr. Strange’s EDM 310 class and I was assigned to read your blog. I loved this blog! You seem so responsible with your phone and that is very important! Phones can be a major distraction if you are doing homework so it is definitely a good idea to put it away while you are doing school work. Talking to friends when the minutes are free is also very smart and responsible. Great blog! Keep up the good work!

C4K #7
Mr. McClung posted about “Killer Parties.” This post was about him telling his students about the importance and differences in all the holidays and movement we have.
I commented the following to Mr. McClung’s post:
“Hi! My name is Caryn and I am in Dr. Strange’s EDM 310 class at The University of South Alabama. I think it is important for students to know the different political terms and movements. If a student believes or thinks something and they get into a “debate” about it they will need to know their stuff to be able to back it up with the correct term or evidence. I hope their projects turned out well!”

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