Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Blog 5

1. The Benefits of Podcasting in the Classroom

I found this video pretty interesting and I enjoyed watching it. I thought it was cool how I could hear the students and teachers and showed the classroom. Podcasts are probably really enjoyable for the students because they get to use such up-to-date technology and show what they have used it for.

I think the video was very useful and full of information. Students may be more willing to do homework or classwork, if they have something like podcasts to use. They used a sick child to show one of the benefits of podcasting, which is such a good idea and a goo way for a student to not miss school work if they are out school. It may make a student think they could miss school just because they have a podcast to watch to stay caught up on what is going on with class. The discussion that goes on in the classroom is really important to the learning process, because we learn from our classmates and what they have to say.

2. 100 Ways to Use Your iPod to Learn and Study Better

I think using iPod's are a very good way to learn and study better because there are so many different things you can do with iPod's. There are so many applications you can download to help you study and get more involved. The 100 things that were listed are really interesting. I have used some and there are some I have never heard of. I actually "clicked" on some to see what they were all about.

3. Eagles’ Nest Radio & Class Blog
What neat blogs! The kids are so excited to be learning about the different things and made a video about it. They seemed to really enjoy interviewing Mr. Ward about the sharks. I really wish that when I was in elementary school we could have dome some of the things that students now have the ability to do.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Blog 4

1. Don't Teach Your Kids This Stuff. Please?

Scott McLeod's current teaching role is as an Associate Professor of Educational Administration at Iowa State University and the Director of the UCEA Center for the Advanced Study of Technology Leadership in Education (CASTLE). He is also the creator of Did You Know? Shifthappens videos. My comment to Mr. McLeod's post was as follows: "Dr. McLeod, I am reading your post as an assignment for Dr. Strange's EDM 310 class at USA. You're post was interesting, although, I don't fully agree with the whole thing. I had a cell phone at a young age, but that was only because my mom didn't like to give up hers when we went places and I didn't stay around her or when I stayed at a friends house, she didn't want to call their house phone, so she just got me my own phone. I agree with the social networking thing though. I get friends requests on Facebook from kids who are 8 and 9 years old! That is way too young. For a while you had to have an .edu email address to have a Facebook, now anyone of any age can have one. Nice and fun post! You can check out my blog: www.hyattcarynedm310.blogspot.com".

2. The iSchool Initiative

The idea of the iSchool is rather exciting and the video was quite entertaining! My sister-in-law is in nursing school, here at South, and they have required her to have an iPod touch for some of the work she will have to do. I doubt her iPod replaces her books, but they said they will use it in the hospitals. I think iSchool would be a great way to prepare students for college and life after college! It puts the world at a students fingertips.

As a student, having to buy school book or a graphing calculator, it would have been awesome to have saved on the books and calculator and just downloaded the application on to my iPod. iSchool seems so full life! Maybe, when I become a teacher, iSchool will be around and I will be able to enjoy the upgrade and technology with my students.

3. The Lost Generation

When the first part of the video was over, I was in shock. There was some truth to what was said, it was scary! Divorce is so powerful these day, it's unreal. We are so quick to assume that people are divorced or that child come from divorced parents. People who are divorced shouldn't celebrate it. It seems that our world is coming to nothing and it is hurtful! I'm so glad she was able to reverse everything she said and make it to fit her. It is wonderful, that she know the importance of her job, but more importantly, her family. Family should always come first in anyones life!

4. The Virtual Choir

What a cool video! I never realized how the internet could link us all together and this was a great way to show it. Who would have known that something like this could be done through so many people over the internet? I don't know that I would ever want the world to come down to just communication through the internet but it could happen.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Additional Assignment #1

I have had to do projects in high school where I had to map countries, draw their flag, state population, and other certain information about the country. These would have been nice tools to know about when I was doing these projects.

I have never heard of Google Squared or Wolfram Alpha before this assignment.

I never realized you could do so much with statistics, but you really do use them everywhere you go, they are all around you.

The story in your "Food for Thought" post was a really cool story and it made me realize that even one's who don't have much and who have never use an iPad or other piece of technology, still have the capability to work them.

Pitcairn Islands

Project 5: Presentation

Project 3: Summary

I have been assigned to read Mr. John Spencer's blog posts. The title of his blog page is "Tom Johnson's Adventures in Pencil Integration." I commented on his post titled "meat the teacher fiasco." His post was about students not wanting to start school or go back to school and how he came up with ways for the child to enjoy what is going on at school. He ended up playing soccer with a few of his students. He knew that pushing students into work and studying right away wouldn't help they enjoy school.

My comment to his post was as follows: "Agreed. A lot of students are shy in the beginning but if a teacher is willing to "play" a game with them and get them involved maybe they will be more willing to learn. My name is Caryn, I enjoyed your blog. I will be commenting on your blogs frequently, if you get a chance you can check out mine. http://hyattcarynedm310.blogspot.com/" He didn't comment back but I did go back and read what some others commented and we all seemed to agree and enjoy the post he had written.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Blog 3

1. A Vision of Students Today

The video proves a major point. There really aren’t enough hours in the day to do everything we need to do. I don’t take my laptop to class because I know I will be tempted to get on Facebook or try to finish up another teacher’s homework before time for that class.

There is nothing I can do about to problems we are facing in the world, but I do live here and I do have to encounter everything that goes on. Although, it is a very scary world we live in. If only, those desks and walls could talk, they would probably have so much to say. They see it all. Everything people do, in classrooms and in hallways.

2. It's not about the Technology

I agree with Ms. Hines in so many of her points! I have seen some of these thousands of dollar machine and technologies not being used at all. But if they are not helping the student learn, then they are pointless to even turn on. She is right by saying that “learning is the product of a successful day.” We have to be willing to go over something time and time again to make sure every student understands.

I have learned so much from Dr. Strange that I never knew existed. I enjoy all the new tools I have had to download and all the sites I have had to join. Ms. Hines also pointed out that teachers must be learners too. They have to learn from all aspects of life; their students, co-workers, and friends.

3. Is It Okay To Be A Technology Illiterate Teacher?

What exactly is technology illiterate? If I don’t know how to use a Smart Board, does that make me technology illiterate? That’s about all I can do right now, although, I am learning how to use the latest pieces of technology. It is important for us to know how to use the latest technology. If we don’t, our students will learn somewhere else and one day be teaching us how to use some things.

I think everyone needs to know how to use at least the basics of technology. I mean, that is what the world is coming to. I’m not sure how I feel about the world coming to only technology but it is coming and we need to learn as much as possible before it all comes down to it.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Blog 2

1. Did you know?

Wow! It is a scary thought that the students I teach, one day, will most likely know more than I know in the world of technology. This video was not only very informational, it was kind of depressing. It’s weird to think that my child will probably never have a book, probably just a Kindle or another electronic reading device.

Teachers really need to stay up-to-date on technology because that will be our way of teaching our students. One day, something bigger than Facebook and MySpace will probably be out. Students are being taught on Smart Boards, when I was in elementary school, we had a chalk board, and if we were lucky, a dry erase board.

It is interesting that one day, we will all be connected through a computer, phone, iPod, iPad, or some other type of technology. My mother has no clue about computers and cell phones, only how to turn the computer on and make a phone call on her cell phone.

2. Mr. Winkle Wakes

If I were asleep for the next 100 years, I could not imagine what all would happen while I was asleep. Every time some new piece of technology comes out, I feel like Mr. Winkle. Everywhere we turn around, something new is out there for us to figure out. My grandparents do not own a computer nor do they even have cable or satellite. They have grown up with pen and paper. For the most part, they are completely clueless about any new technology.

It is surprising that with all the technology that we can’t stop terrorism or put a cap on the oil that is leaking in the gulf, but we can put a man on the moon, 40 years ago, without everything we have now.

It doesn't take much time, not even close to 100 years, to miss out on something that has recently come out. I was completely clueless when the iPod and iPhone came out. I have an iPod and I am still amazed with how much it can do and how it can still be updated to do more than it aleady does.

3. Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts

On one of the clips from the video, it had something about a 14 year old blogging.. When I was 14, I had no clue what a blog was! It is amazing how far things have come since I was a "kid". It really is amazing though! One day, school may be a part of the past and everything is done at home on a computer. We can pretty much travel all over the world in the simple little box.

Knowing how to do these things are very exciting. There is a wide variety of the tools that are in a computer. The hard part is probably going to be staying up-to-date. We won't always have a Dr. Strange or a Vicki Davis there to show how something works or to give us the latest updates. Our students will probably learn before us and they will be teaching us!

4. The Importance of Creativity

I really enjoyed Sir Ken Robinson as a speaker. Funny jokes! His opinion on creativity was wonderful. Being creative is a fun part of life.It will make my classroom full of students more exciting and entertaining. The God story he told was a wonderful example of creativity.

When people are able to be creative, it makes life so much more wonderful! Being creative is a very important of a child's life and having a teach who will allow it would made their time in elementary school more fun and exciting. I think this video is something everyone should watch, at least once.