Saturday, September 4, 2010

Blog 2

1. Did you know?

Wow! It is a scary thought that the students I teach, one day, will most likely know more than I know in the world of technology. This video was not only very informational, it was kind of depressing. It’s weird to think that my child will probably never have a book, probably just a Kindle or another electronic reading device.

Teachers really need to stay up-to-date on technology because that will be our way of teaching our students. One day, something bigger than Facebook and MySpace will probably be out. Students are being taught on Smart Boards, when I was in elementary school, we had a chalk board, and if we were lucky, a dry erase board.

It is interesting that one day, we will all be connected through a computer, phone, iPod, iPad, or some other type of technology. My mother has no clue about computers and cell phones, only how to turn the computer on and make a phone call on her cell phone.

2. Mr. Winkle Wakes

If I were asleep for the next 100 years, I could not imagine what all would happen while I was asleep. Every time some new piece of technology comes out, I feel like Mr. Winkle. Everywhere we turn around, something new is out there for us to figure out. My grandparents do not own a computer nor do they even have cable or satellite. They have grown up with pen and paper. For the most part, they are completely clueless about any new technology.

It is surprising that with all the technology that we can’t stop terrorism or put a cap on the oil that is leaking in the gulf, but we can put a man on the moon, 40 years ago, without everything we have now.

It doesn't take much time, not even close to 100 years, to miss out on something that has recently come out. I was completely clueless when the iPod and iPhone came out. I have an iPod and I am still amazed with how much it can do and how it can still be updated to do more than it aleady does.

3. Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts

On one of the clips from the video, it had something about a 14 year old blogging.. When I was 14, I had no clue what a blog was! It is amazing how far things have come since I was a "kid". It really is amazing though! One day, school may be a part of the past and everything is done at home on a computer. We can pretty much travel all over the world in the simple little box.

Knowing how to do these things are very exciting. There is a wide variety of the tools that are in a computer. The hard part is probably going to be staying up-to-date. We won't always have a Dr. Strange or a Vicki Davis there to show how something works or to give us the latest updates. Our students will probably learn before us and they will be teaching us!

4. The Importance of Creativity

I really enjoyed Sir Ken Robinson as a speaker. Funny jokes! His opinion on creativity was wonderful. Being creative is a fun part of life.It will make my classroom full of students more exciting and entertaining. The God story he told was a wonderful example of creativity.

When people are able to be creative, it makes life so much more wonderful! Being creative is a very important of a child's life and having a teach who will allow it would made their time in elementary school more fun and exciting. I think this video is something everyone should watch, at least once.


  1. Caryn,

    I think what you wrote is very true, not only is it scary to think of all the knew and improving technology. it is also worry some to think of what will change by the time we become teachers, and students wonder why we don't understand the technology as well as they do because they will be learning as the grow up. Like my mom does not even know how to turn on her own computer. We won't have a Dr. Strange to take with us to our job, but their will be other teachers in our position. So it will be a learning process for all of us. Because in truth that is what teachers do learn knew things, and teach them to students who don't understand.

  2. I really understand what you're saying about how you feel like Mr. Wrinkle every time something comes out. I feel the same way about things! But it is a learning process for us and we'll be okay (lol).

  3. Caryn,

    First of all I want to say this is a good summary of the videos. I really wanted to comment on what you said about the oil cap. You are so right about how technology is not always in the right hands, but we can't ignore that most of the technology we have available is just not being used. Here is an interesting fact: Did you know that we know more about the surface of Mars than we do of our own oceans? This completely blew my mind when my biology teacher told me that.

    This is a great summary and keep up the good work.

    Stephen Akins

  4. You made very good points on each of the topics. I can't agree more when you said, "The hard part is probably going to be staying up-to-date. We won't always have a Dr. Strange or a Vicki Davis there to show how something works or to give us the latest updates. Our students will probably learn before us and they will be teaching us!" However, we will have our students helping us in the area of technology as we guide them through their academics.
